Monika: Hello. You must be the new member!
Natsuki: Isn't he a bit old?
Sayori: Don't be mean!
Yuri: He's cute.
Vincent: I—
Monika: Welcome to the Literature Club! I'm Monika, the president!
Natsuki: I am Natsuki!
Sayori: Sayori!
Yuri: ...
Yuri: My name is Yuri.
Vincent: There must be some mistake, I'm supposed to—
Monika: Well, let's see... your name must be on the members' list.
Vincent: NO! I shouldn't be here! I—
Monika: Ah~ ‘Vincent’! So, Vincent, have you ever done poetry before?
Vincent: No, but—
Yuri: Don't worry, we'll help you.
Sayori: It's very easy.
Natsuki: Just start with something you like. For example, your favorite food.
Vincent: Listen to me.
Monika: That's a great way to start. What's your favorite food, Vincent?
Vincent: LISTEN TO ME! I'm Vincent Charbonneau, master chef at La Gueule De Saturne, France! I shouldn't be here in this Literature Club and I-don't-know-where!
Monika: What's your favorite food, Vincent?
Vincent: Are you ignoring me? I'll just have to leave, then!
Vincent: …
Vincent: …
Vincent: …
Vincent: How?
Vincent: I... I can't leave!
Vincent: I'm trapped in this classroom!
Monika: Vincent?
Vincent: *sighs* I like citrons. [1]
Sayori: Citrons?
Natsuki: Citron rhymes with électron, bucheron, fleuron. [2]
Vincent: So, Monika, if I compose a poem will I be able to leave?
Monika: What?
Vincent: If I do a poem, can I go back to La Gueule De Saturne?
Monika: You'll be able to leave when the club's activities are over, just like the rest of us.
Vincent: And when is that?
Monika: …
Vincent: I feel so ridiculous but I'm going to do this stupid poem!
Natsuki: HEY! Don't make fun of poetry, got it?!
Vincent: You don't scare me, girly.
Sayori: Wow! I've never heard anyone call you a girly before.
Natsuki: GRRR!
Yuri: *chuckle*
Monika: Come on, no disrespect will be tolerated, is that clear?
Vincent: Yes, chef.
*10 minutes later*
Vincent: So...
‘Cher citron,
je salive,
tel un fleuron,
en olive.’ [4]
Sayori: Uh...
Natsuki: It's... a poem. It rhymes.
Yuri: But it doesn't make any sense. A jewel in olive?
Monika: Good! The club's activities are over.
Vincent: Finally, I can get out of here! I'm going back to La Gueule De Saturne.
Monika: I hope to see you again, Vincent!
Vincent: OH HECK NO!
[1] The French word for lemons.
[2] Electron, lumberjacks, jewel.
[3] Macaroon, purr.
[4] ‘Dear lemon,
I salivate,
like a jewel,
in olive.’
I couldn’t, for the life of me, make a (bad) poem in English with the word LEMON!